Assessment at Ashbeach Primary School
All assessment carried out at Ashbeach should be informative and purposeful. Our belief is that assessment should tell us where our learners are at currently and what the next steps for them are whether this is through a formal or informal assessment. We do not want to spend our time weighing the pig, we want to be able to fatten him up.
- Summative Assessment
We carry out termly assessments in reading and maths. These assessment points are the end of the Autumn term, the end of the Spring term and end of the Summer term (May for the year 6 SATS). Writing is assessed through analysis of independent work. This will include written work in other areas of the curriculum. Teachers moderate their assessments together.
- Formative Assessment
Teachers will use their ongoing assessments to monitor where the children are in their learning and use these to inform their future planning and lessons. This could include observations in lessons, how the children are performed in specific lessons etc.
- Summative Assessments and Formative Assessments
Some assessments carried out will serve dual purpose - where the children are at and what needs to happen. This could include end of unit assessments, final pieces of writing etc.
As a school we accept that not all of the children will perform the same in a formal assessment as they would otherwise. The assessment at each data point will be where the teacher thinks the child is working based on all of the evidence. Case studies are written for the year 6s where the formal assessment cannot be informed (due to SATs).
At the end of Key Stage 2 (year 6) the children complete the national SATs tests for Reading, Writing, Maths and SPaG.
Results for 2023 can be found here: The Ashbeach Primary School - Compare school and college performance data in England - GOV.UK (